Managing Partners Forum

The interactive sessions were great and the facilitators did a fantastic job.

Daniel G. McKay, Esq.
Eaton Peabody - Bangor, Maine


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  • True Professionalism:
    The Courage to Care about Your People, Your Clients and Your Career

    by David H. Maister

    If we could only recommend one book to a lawyer in private practice, it would be True Professionalism ($26, Simon & Schuster)! Maister's lesson is clear: believe passionately in what you do and never compromise your standards and values. Act like a true professional, aim for excellence and the money will follow. The challenge for leaders is to find the strength and courage to do what we know is right. A must read.

  • Generations at Work:
    Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace

    by Ron Zemke, Claire Raines and Bob Filipczak

    Generations at Work ($27, AMACOM) is an invaluable resource to help firm leaders understand and appreciate the differences of these four generations within the firm, and provides workable solutions to bridge the gaps among them. It comes highly recommended by our friends at the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA).

  • The Complete Guide to Understanding,
    Controlling and Stopping Bullies and Bullying at Work

    by Margaret R. Kohut

    The Complete Guide to Understanding, Controlling and Stopping Bullies and Bullying at Work ($21.95, Atlantic Publishing) offers guidance in identifying and defining workplace bullying, including how to identify characteristics of a bullied employee, pathological characteristics of workplace bullies and indicators of a toxic workplace. Written in a clear, concise style and peppered with case studies throughout, this 285-page book provides valuable information on work.