Managing Partners Forum

The true value comes from the opportunity to share solutions with your professional peers. I highly recommend this program to any managing partner.

Mark J. Neuberger, Esq. 
Foley & Lardner, LLP
 - Miami, Florida


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  • Best Practices for Creating and Implementing Strategic Plans
    by John Remsen, Jr. and others

    In October, we led a panel presentation at LMA’s Annual Meeting in Nashville during which we discussed practical tips to create an actionable, measurable and effective strategic plan. We also shared our experiences and case studies of how we’ve worked with law firm leaders to share their vision, engage others and lead change in their firms. It was a lively session. The panel included:

    • Mark Beese – President, Leadership for Lawyers
    • Tom Grella – Past Chair, ABA’s Law Practice Division
    • Tea Hoffmann – Managing Principal, Law Strategy Corp.
    • John Remsen, Jr. – President, TheRemsenGroup
    After the session, we decided to create and distribute a list of recommended reading on the topic for those who attended.

  • Growth is Dead. Now What? Law Firms on the Brink 
    by Bruce MacEwen and Peter J. Kalis, Esq.

    According to the authors, recognition that the old model is broken, and a willingness to accept change and take risks are what’s required for law firms to be successful in the future. This easy and entertaining book runs 128 pages and is available in paperback for $14.95.  

  • Tomorrow's Lawyers  
    by Richard Susskind

    Susskind has written much about the changing legal profession, including The End of Lawyers? and The Future of Law. In his most recent effort, he writes about the pressures for law firms to deliver more for less, thus changing the way that lawyers will work. And what’s the future of the almighty billable hour? Published by Oxford University Press, this book runs 224 pages and is available in paperback for $18.95.  

  • The Lawyer Bubble: A Profession in Crisis  
    by Steven J. Harper

    Harper’s sobering assessment of the industry will surely make you stop and think. He writes quite a bit about how both law firms and law schools can deflate the bubble. Published by Basic Books/Perseus, this 272-pager is available in hardcover for just $26.99.

  • The Successful Lawyer
    Powerful Strategies for Transforming Your Practice

    by Gerald A. Riskin

    I've known of Gerry Riskin for many years and finally had the opportunity to hear him speak at the ABA Annual Conference in 2009. I bought his book – The Successful Lawyer ($74.95, American Bar Association) – at the time and just now finished reading it. We encourage all lawyers in private practice to check it out , as well. It covers many subjects – from planning, to marketing, to finance – and it's highly practical. It's comes in CD format, too. 

  • Serving at the Pleasure of My Partners:
    Advice for the New Firm Leader  

    by Brian Burke, Esq. and Patrick McKenna

    If we've heard it once, we've heard it 1,000 times. Leading a law firm is by no means an easy task...and they certainly didn't teach you much about it in law school. Thank goodness for the MPF faculty members Brian Burke and Patrick McKenna, who have once again joined forces to provide an invaluable resource for today's firm leader. Serving at the Pleasure of My Partners ($49, West Publishing) is packed full of real-life scenarios and provides proven, practical guidance for today's exceptionally busy managing partner.

    We've partnered with West/Thomson Reuters to extend a 20% discount off the cover price to our readers. Click here for more information and to download the table of contents and a free chapter.

  • The Lawyer's Guide to Strategic Planning
    by Thomas C. Grella, Esq. and Michael L. Hudkins

    This 240 pager ($79.95, ABA Publishing) emphasizes practical applications, rather than theoretical approaches, to strategic planning in a law firm environment. It includes a CD-ROM that contains numerous policies, statements and sample documents. The book is co-authored by Tom Grella, a member of the Forum Advisory Board member.