Managing Partners Forum

A great event. Thank you for the invitation. I'll be back next year.

Stephen M. Schatz, Esq.
Swift Currie - Atlanta, Georgia


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  • The Successful Lawyer
    Powerful Strategies for Transforming Your Practice

    by Gerald A. Riskin

    I've known of Gerry Riskin for many years and finally had the opportunity to hear him speak at the ABA Annual Conference in 2009. I bought his book – The Successful Lawyer ($74.95, American Bar Association) – at the time and just now finished reading it. We encourage all lawyers in private practice to check it out , as well. It covers many subjects – from planning, to marketing, to finance – and it's highly practical. It's comes in CD format, too. 

  • The Lawyer's Guide to Increasing Revenue: 
    Unlocking the Profit Potential in Your Firm

    by Arthur G. Greene

    Increasing Revenue ($79.95, ABA Publishing) provides specific action steps - including practical advice in areas such as billable hours, rates, collections and intake - to improve the revenue and profitablty of your firm. The book includes a CD-ROM with sample policies, worksheets and supporting documents.

  • Managing the Professional Services Firm
    by David H. Maister

    If you had to pick just one book to read to be more a more effective managing partner, this is it. Managing the Professional Services Firm ($26.00, Free Press), written by David Maister, covers a wide array of topics ranging from strategy to profitability, marketing to motivating employees. This should be in every managing partner's library.